2018-10-15 17:20:57 -04:00

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[MorE] >no, []Cs240{} -arE_ @&word%$ $%prOjEct$% +great= &Is* +(213 \$that; ( AnD ) []cS240{} /the ( And ) []cs240{} [morE] $%prOject$% $%projEct$% {WOrds} &is* !a# \"maybe: %worD^ \"maybe: @good> \`PrEsiDEnT~ &is* .this, {woRdS} \\|TEacHiNG: .ThiS, !a# !A# )@count#! \`PrEsidenT~ \"mayBe: {woRds} ;;professor:: \$thaT; /the )@count#! []cS240{} \"maybe: <yeS? ( and ) \$That; /tHE \$that; ;;pROfessoR:: <YEs? ( aNd ) \`PrEsIdENt~ {wOrds} <yeS? @GoOd> $%pRojeCt$% &is* .ThiS, .thIS, <yeS? []cs240{} )@Count#! !A# .this, $%projeCT$% []CS240{} /THE $%pRojeCt$% )@cOunt#! &IS* )@couNt#! )@CounT#! %woRd^ -are_ @goOd> &is* |stUFf\\ $%PROject$% @good> &is* ;;ProfeSSor:: \"mAybe: >no, +greAt= )@Count#! !a# /ThE %WOrd^ |Stuff\\ &is* !a# +great= \"maybe: \`PrEsidenT~ <>assistant>? \\|TeaChIng: \"mAybe: >NO, %word^ >no, []cs240{} +(213 !a# &is* @gooD> @good> +greaT= |sTuFF\\ |stuFF\\ /tHE [moRE] %wOrd^ \`PresIdEnt~ ( and ) {WoRds} [MorE] $%proJeCT$% )@Count#! %worD^ ;;pRofessOr:: \"MayBe: !a# {words} []cS240{} +great= @&word%$ /the ( anD ) <>AsSistant>? &Is* /thE @&WorD%$ @&word%$ %woRd^ @GOoD> .this, ;;pRofessOr:: +GrEat= %worD^ []cs240{} &iS* )@coUnT#! !a# +greaT= \`presidEnt~ \`PresidenT~ \$thaT; \"mayBe: \$tHat; +(213 >nO, \"maybe: -arE_ -ARe_ {words} |sTuff\\ >no, \\|TeAchIng: [MoRe] +Great= \\|TeachiNg: %word^ .this, \$That; +(213 +(213 ;;professor:: <>assistant>? [more] {woRds} $%ProjeCt$% +(213 ;;professOR:: %word^ /the +great= <>aSsisTaNt>? \$thAT; {words} |stUff\\ %worD^ |stUff\\ $%prOjecT$% |stuff\\ \"maybe: []cS240{} \`PrESIdEnT~ +(213 ;;pRofeSsor:: .thIS, &is* -are_ !A# \`PrEsiDEnT~ @gooD> |stuff\\ \$thaT; \"mAyBe: |StufF\\ -Are_ \\|teACHinG: []cs240{} \`PrESIdEnT~ $%pRojecT$% \\|TeachIng: -ARe_ \`presIdeNt~ {worDs} /thE <yes? -arE_ \\|TeachIng: |StuFF\\ |sTuff\\ ( aNd ) <>AssisTant>? +(213 |stufF\\ ;;professor:: +grEAt= +(213 @gooD> @&word%$ >no, +Great= +grEAt= ;;pROfessoR:: +gREat= +(213 ( aNd ) <yES? @good> .thIs, !a# $%ProjeCt$% .tHis, >nO, )@count#! ;;pROfesSor:: $%ProjEct$% |STuff\\ +(213 +Great= \\|tEaChinG: []cS240{} @Good> -arE_ \$thaT; ;;ProfesSoR:: \"mAybe: @good> .thiS, \"maybe: &is* )@coUNt#! <>assistanT>? @good> -aRe_ |Stuff\\ %WorD^ []cs240{} []Cs240{} >nO, %word^ <>assisTant>? %WoRd^ -are_ \$thAT; $%PrOjecT$% \\|teAcHinG: {worDs} +great= {words} @&word%$ \$That; &is* &is* ;;prOFesSOr:: %WOrd^ <>assIstant>? ;;pRofessOR:: )@count#! <YES? ( ANd ) <>assIstant>? {words} >no, &is* [more] <yes? \\|teaching: !a# +(213 |Stuff\\ <yEs? %word^ !a# ;;pRofessOr:: &is* \$thAt; +(213 )@CounT#! @&worD%$ ;;professor:: \$tHat; \$That; \$thaT; +great= <>AssistanT>? +(213 )@count#! )@count#! |StUff\\ <yEs? @&woRD%$ |StUff\\ /the <>assisTant>? %worD^ <yEs? !a# .THiS, []cS240{} &Is* >nO, >nO, \\|teachIng: \"maybe: @&word%$ |StUFF\\ )@CoUNT#! .ThIS, \$thAt; \\|TeAchIng: &Is* []cs240{} +great= &is* /the $%pRojeCt$% ( anD ) /The {WorDs} <YEs? [moRe] +greaT= +greaT= \`presIdeNt~ <>assIstant>? {worDs} <>AssistaNt>? {words} {words} ;;professOr:: {WoRds} \`presIdenT~ \$that; $%pROjEct$% )@cOUnt#! )@coUnT#! %wOrd^ @goOd> +greaT= )@CoUNT#! \`pResidenT~ ;;professor:: \`PresiDeNT~ %word^ <yes? []Cs240{} \\|TEacHiNG: <yes? ;;professor:: [MorE] \\|TeaChIng: {wOrds} \$That; $%project$% @Good> @&wOrD%$ .this, !a# ( and ) ( And ) @&woRd%$ +GrEat= \`presIdeNt~ <yeS? %Word^ /tHE \$thAt; /THe ( aNd ) +great= []cs240{} \\|tEAching: []cS240{} >No, -aRe_ ( and ) [MoRE] .thIs, -are_ \\|TeaCHing: <>aSsIstanT>? \$thaT; .This, \`PresIdEnt~ @goOd> <yes? {WorDs} $%projEcT$% [MoRe] >nO, +Great= \"maybe: <Yes? )@CouNT#! $%PrOjecT$% +(213 []Cs240{} |sTuFF\\ |sTuFf\\ <>assIstant>? /thE \"mayBE: .This, |sTUff\\ ;;pROfesSor:: +Great= <>AssisTant>? $%proJecT$% \\|TeaChing: \"mAyBe: %worD^ <>asSistANt>? \\|teaCHIng: ;;professor:: ( and ) |stufF\\ @&wOrD%$ [mOre] >nO, \\|teaChIng: \`PresIdent~ %word^ <>assisTant>? ( anD ) &Is* $%pRoject$% \"MayBe: ( And ) \$That; >no, >no, +(213 <>aSsisTant>? /the &is* <yes? /thE [mOre] ( aNd ) )@count#! %WORD^ /ThE []Cs240{} [More] @&wOrd%$ <>assisTant>? <yes? <>AsSistant>? $%project$% +Great= -are_ -arE_ )@count#! $%projeCt$% ;;ProfeSSor:: @good> )@cOUNt#! >no, [more] +grEat= |stUff\\ <>AsSistant>? [more] )@counT#! )@count#! !a# <>assistanT>? \"maybe: !a# &is* <Yes? <>asSIStAnt>? \$That; /the \$thaT; \\|teacHIng: &is* @good> !a# &is* @good> -are_ \$That; $%projEcT$% @GOoD> +(213 !a# []cs240{} %WoRd^ |StUFF\\ |STUFF\\ []cs240{} @&worD%$ .this, &is* %Word^ |sTuFf\\ /thE \\|TEacHing: !a# /thE <>AsSistaNT>? +(213 {woRds} []cS240{} )@cOUnt#! ( and ) \`presiDent~ []cs240{} [more] |sTufF\\ %WoRd^ )@count#! $%ProJect$% \\|tEAching: @&WoRd%$ []Cs240{} .this, {wOrDs} >No, ;;PRofesSor:: &Is* %wOrD^ <>assisTanT>? +(213 <>assisTant>? +great= +(213 @good> []cS240{} $%projeCt$% <>aSsIstant>? ( and ) |stuff\\ @&wOrd%$ )@cOUnt#! \"maYBe: <yes? \\|TeAChing: \$ThAt; ( aNd ) |stuFF\\ >no, \`pRESIdEnT~ [mOre] %WoRd^ ;;profEssOR:: ( and ) %word^ \"mayBe: .this, -arE_ [MoRe] &is* )@Count#! /the .tHis, +(213 @Good> !a# \\|tEaChinG: \$thaT; -arE_ .This, &Is* !a# /THE +(213 [MorE] ;;proFEsSOr:: \\|tEacHinG: ;;professor:: ;;professor:: ( and ) +gREat= .tHis, <>assistanT>? .tHis, <>AssisTant>? @goOd> )@CounT#! +Great= @goOd> /the []cs240{} {worDs} $%projeCT$% \\|teachiNg: <>asSistaNt>? \`presIdEnt~ <>asSistANt>? +(213 .tHis, @&wOrd%$ /THE {words} ( and ) \$thAT; [more] /thE +great= @&WoRd%$ %word^ \`president~ |stuFF\\ [more] $%projeCt$% ;;pRoFeSsor:: @goOD> !a# &is* -arE_ \\|TeaCHinG: \\|teACHinG: \"maybe: {WoRds} ;;prOfessor:: -are_ >No, /thE /the <yES? {wOrds} @&wOrd%$ +great= <yes? )@count#! \"maybe: \"mAybe: +(213 ( aNd ) \\|teacHiNg: []cs240{} \$that; !a# <yes? <>aSsistant>? !a# [More] <>assistAnt>? \\|TeachIng: \\|TeAchIng: &is* ;;profEsSor:: @good> %WoRd^ <>assIstant>? \`PresIdEnt~ -aRe_ /the []Cs240{} $%pRoject$% [more] \`PrEsideNt~ !a# &is* \`pReSiDEnT~ +greaT= \`presIdeNt~ [more] [MorE] <yes? [more] \$thaT; \\|teaChinG: /tHe \\|TeaChing: \"maybe: ;;proFesSOR:: \"maybe: <YEs? {words} [More] &is* -Are_ @good> |stUff\\ \$tHAT; >no, []cS240{} @&Word%$ !a# [MorE] )@count#! []cs240{} ( and ) +(213 ( anD ) \"mAybe: []cs240{} >nO, @&word%$ +(213 +(213 ( and ) )@COuNt#! /the <Yes? <Yes? [more] \$thaT; +(213 ;;pRoFeSSOr:: )@cOunt#! %Word^ \\|tEaChing: \$thAt; -are_ .tHis, \`pREsideNt~ $%PRojeCt$% @&WorD%$ \\|teaChing: +Great= /ThE <yEs? /tHE +great= |sTuFF\\ -ARe_ |StufF\\ \"maybe: .This, \`PresIdent~ )@COUNt#! |sTUfF\\ >No, +great= <>assiStaNt>? []Cs240{} !a# .ThIS, @gOoD> !a# >no, \$THat; -are_ &is* /thE []cs240{} &is* @goOD> {words} <YEs? %wOrd^ <>assistant>? @&word%$ {woRds} >NO, .THIs, |StufF\\ <YEs? )@count#! \`presIdenT~ \$that; {woRds} \"mayBe: <yes? [MorE] \\|teaching: -arE_ /the [mOre] +(213 @good> \$that; &is* \`PresidenT~ \`pREsideNt~ <>assIstant>? |stuff\\ \$thAT; \\|teaChIng: @&wORD%$ \$that; @gOod> [MorE] %Word^ \"maybe: <>assisTant>? @goOd> /THE $%PrOjecT$% |stufF\\ ( and ) .THiS, >no, <yEs? |stuff\\ @&word%$ \`prEsidEnT~ )@CounT#! {words} []cs240{} \\|TeaChiNG: []cs240{} %word^ \$thaT; >no, <yes? +(213 ;;pRofessOr:: ;;ProfEssOr:: @&word%$ [more] @&word%$ ( and ) \$thAt; %word^ +great= !a# &IS* ;;ProFessoR:: -arE_ /tHe $%PRojeCt$% |Stuff\\ +gREat= <>assIstant>? ;;ProfeSSor:: -are_ \`presidEnt~ @gOoD> /the <>asSIstaNt>? $%proJecT$% /the +(213 |StUFF\\ <yes? .tHis, @gooD> <>aSsIstanT>? @Good> {words} .this, |Stuff\\ +(213 |StUFF\\ -are_ \$That; ( and ) <yes? |stUFf\\ @gooD> ( ANd ) <>assistAnt>? @GOoD> \"maybe: !a# [more] ( and ) ;;profEssor:: +greaT= !a# []cs240{} +(213 |StUfF\\ +(213 ( anD ) +gREat= -are_ \`president~ \"maybE: ( And ) @goOd> %wOrd^ +(213 &is* <>assIstant>? \$that; <>asSistaNt>? @&word%$ <yEs? [more] ( aNd ) \\|teaChinG: []Cs240{} /thE <>assIstant>? !a# /thE .thIS, !a# \$That; ( And ) [moRe] @gooD> [more] |stuff\\ <YES? []Cs240{} +greaT= {worDs} \`PresiDeNT~ %Word^ !A# <>assisTanT>? \\|TEacHing: \"mAybe: @&word%$ $%PROject$% <yes? <yEs? +(213 %word^ >no, [moRE] /ThE &is* .thiS, %Word^ /ThE &is* -aRe_ !a# @&wORD%$ +(213 !a# <yes? /thE ( and ) @good> |stUff\\ /the [MoRe] @gooD> |stuff\\ \$thAt; @good> \`presidEnt~ +gReAt= <>AssIstAnt>? )@counT#! <yEs? +GREat= @&wORd%$ []cs240{} %Word^ +(213 !a# @&worD%$ -are_ \\|teachiNg: )@couNt#! )@cOunT#! .this, %worD^ \`PrEsideNt~ +grEAt= <yES? !A# >no, &is* []cs240{} +gREat= /thE [mOre] [more] {woRds} @&Word%$ {woRds} /thE |stufF\\ <>assistant>? <>assistAnt>? >NO, +grEAt= @gOOd> |StUfF\\ .tHis, $%pRojecT$% \$thAt; .thIs, <yeS? @&wOrD%$ +(213 {Words} \$tHAT; &is* []CS240{} $%ProjEct$% @&word%$ ( aNd ) $%project$% $%PRojeCt$% $%pRoJect$% /The .tHis, .tHIS, |stUff\\ [morE] \"mayBe: [more] >nO, /the \"mayBe: /the \\|teaching: \"mAybe: %wOrd^ @&WOrd%$ &iS* +(213 \$thAt; @gooD> -are_ -are_ +(213 $%pRoject$% <yEs? /The -are_ <yeS? !a# %word^ +Great= <>assisTant>? )@COuNt#! >nO, &is* @good> \\|teaChIng: ( aNd ) []cS240{} )@count#! <>assistant>? +(213 +Great= \"maybe: -ArE_ !a# .tHis, )@CoUnt#! @&worD%$ +great= |stuff\\ ( And ) %word^ <>AssisTant>? [more] !a# +(213 {WorDs} {wOrds} ;;pRofeSsor:: ( and ) )@Count#! @goOD> [MorE] |stuff\\ +GrEat= \$thAT; ( aNd ) {woRds} +great= +grEat= \`presideNt~ |sTuff\\ /THe ;;pROfesSor:: []Cs240{} ;;professoR:: >nO, @&word%$ &iS* )@Count#! <yEs? !A# []Cs240{} +(213 ;;proFessoR:: [mORe] |stuff\\ )@count#! %WoRd^ +great= \\|TeAChing: $%projeCt$% @&WOrd%$ []cs240{} .thIS, @gooD> +(213 %woRd^ )@cOunT#! \$that; $%proJeCT$% -are_ {Words} []cs240{} @&woRd%$ /thE |sTuFf\\ |stuFF\\ .tHis, <>assistanT>? \\|teachiNg: !a# [more] ;;pRofessOr:: \"maybe: /THe [more] <yes? +great= \"mayBe: {words} {WOrds} >no, /the )@CoUNT#! >no, |StufF\\ /THe [more] @gooD> $%ProjEct$% >no, |sTUff\\ \"mayBE: -are_ +Great= \$thaT; /The +(213 $%prOject$% <>assisTant>? \$that; &is* ( aNd ) .ThiS, [moRe] -ArE_ /ThE >nO, <Yes? @gooD> @&woRd%$ ( and ) ;;ProfEssOr:: \\|teaChIng: <yEs? @gOoD> @good> +(213 \`pResidenT~ <>Assistant>? |stuff\\ <yeS? -are_ ( aNd ) <yes? +grEAt= \\|TEacHing: <yeS? ;;profesSor:: )@CoUNT#! \"maybe: @gooD> )@count#! !a# >no, )@CouNT#! \\|TeAChing: {words} !a# ;;ProfEssOr:: \`president~ []cs240{} <yes? $%projeCT$% [MorE] [more] |stuff\\ -aRe_ !a# \\|tEaChinG: {Words} []cs240{} .tHis, +(213 >no, <yes? @goOD> \`PresIdent~ \$that; @good> +great= \`prEsident~ \"maybe: {words} <>AssistanT>? +(213 /thE >no, .tHis, |StufF\\ %worD^ -arE_ \\|teachiNg: <yes? \$thAt; [more] |stuff\\ \`presiDent~ [moRe] -are_ .ThiS, )@cOunT#! +(213 @&wORd%$ &is* +great= %word^ {woRdS} \\|teaChing: @GOod> )@count#! <YEs? <>AssistAnt>? $%ProjEct$% +grEat= !a# \"maybe: %woRd^ &is* $%projEct$% <>aSsIstanT>? $%projEct$% [mOre] %Word^ %word^ ( anD ) \`pResidenT~ !a# \"maybe: /THE /the \\|tEAching: |sTuff\\ &is* ;;PRofesSor:: .tHis, {woRds} &Is* <YES? |Stuff\\ )@CoUNT#! >no, @&word%$ &iS* @goOD> ( and ) ( and ) |sTuFf\\ ;;ProfeSSor:: \"mAybe: \\|teaching: \`prEsIDent~ <>assistant>? !a# \$that; >No, %WOrd^ +(213 +gReAt= \`prEsIDent~ &is* ( and ) -are_ {worDs} \"mayBe: |stUff\\ {Words} \\|tEaChinG: .THiS, %WorD^ @good> |stUFf\\ {Words} @&word%$ /the ( aNd ) <>AssisTant>? ;;ProfesSoR:: ;;professor:: &is* %wOrD^ +Great= \`PReSiDent~ \\|teaChIng: [MorE] [MorE] +gREat= -are_ $%pRoject$% .this, []CS240{} \`prEsideNt~ %word^ \\|Teaching: .thIs, +great= [moRe] \$That; $%pRoJect$% ;;prOFesSOr:: !a# @gOoD> @gooD> +grEAt= %word^ []cs240{} []cs240{} <yes? $%pRojeCt$% [more] [more] )@cOunt#! \\|teachiNg: .tHIs, +(213 +(213 \`prEsidEnT~ \`PresidenT~ {woRds} !a# @&wOrd%$ [more] \$that; \\|teaCHIng: \`prEsident~ ;;prOFessor:: >no, .ThIS, {words} &is* []cs240{} +gReat= @gooD> >No, \"maYBe: &IS* ;;ProfeSSor:: \"maybe: /thE )@cOUnt#! @gooD> \`presidEnt~ |stufF\\ @&word%$ <>asSIstaNt>? .thIs, ( and ) [morE] []cs240{} !a# []cs240{} <yEs? @gooD> \`presidEnt~ ;;pRofessOr:: []cS240{} []cS240{} \\|teACHinG: []cs240{} %WOrd^ {WoRds} !a# !a# ;;pROfessoR:: {wOrDs} ;;pRofessOr:: !a# /the []cS240{} {words} >No, [more] <>assisTant>? $%projeCt$% [moRE] \"maybe: @gOoD> !A# +greaT= <>assistaNt>? \"maybe: !a# ;;proFEsSOr:: <>assisTanT>? \$thaT; @good> ;;professor:: +(213 \`presIdenT~ []cs240{} @&wOrd%$ @&word%$ !a# &is* |STUFF\\ \"maybe: \$that; >no, +(213 >No, +(213 )@CoUNT#! {wordS} \"maybe: \\|tEaching: -are_ &iS* [mOre] >no, &IS* \\|teaching: \`presIdenT~ <>aSsIstanT>? [more] )@Count#! []cs240{} |sTuFf\\ @goOD> %worD^ \`presIdEnt~ %word^ >no, []cs240{} @goOd> <yEs? /ThE >No, @goOD> -ARE_ <yEs? >no, {words} |stuff\\ <>assIstant>? \$that; <YEs? |StUfF\\ {WoRds} \"mAybe: \"maybE: <yes? \\|tEaching: [morE] &iS* $%proJect$% |Stuff\\ \$that; @good> &Is* []cs240{} $%projeCt$% [MorE] |Stuff\\ \\|TeaCHing: /thE !a# []cS240{} \`PrEsideNt~ |stUff\\ -are_ <>assisTant>? +Great= -are_ \`presideNT~ +(213 /thE .ThiS, \`prEsIDent~ ( aNd ) >no, <yes? ;;professoR:: +Great= /the ;;professoR:: !a# !A# $%proJeCT$% []cs240{} +(213