2018-10-15 17:20:57 -04:00

59 lines
2.0 KiB
Executable File

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
struct QueueNode{
struct QueueNode *_next;//Going from head to tail
struct QueueNode *_prev;//(points to node that closer to head)
char *_color;//Red, Yellow, Green, etc
char *_make;//Honda, BMW, etc.
char *_model;//Prius, Camry, etc
char *_buyer;//George, Jane, Pauly, etc.
int _leather;//1 for yes. 0 for no.
struct QueueList {
struct QueueNode *_tail;//points to tail of queue -- insert here
struct QueueNode *_head;//points to head of queue -- dequeue from here
int _count;//How many items in the list
typedef struct QueueNode* QueuedCar;
typedef struct QueueList* Queue;
Queue newQueueList();
QueuedCar newQueueNode();//initialize
void setCarColor(QueuedCar car, char color[]);
void setCarMake(QueuedCar car, char make[]);
void setCarModel(QueuedCar car, char model[]);
void setCarBuyer(QueuedCar car, char name[]);
void addLeather(QueuedCar car);
void removeLeather(QueuedCar car);
char* getCarColor(QueuedCar car);
char* getCarMake(QueuedCar car);
char* getCarModel(QueuedCar car);
char* getCarBuyer(QueuedCar car);
int getCarLeather(QueuedCar car);
void enqueue(Queue list, QueuedCar car);//add to the tail
QueuedCar dequeue(Queue list);//remove and return; Do not free
QueuedCar queuePeek(Queue list);//just return _head
void deleteNode(QueuedCar car);//Free the passed Node
void deleteQueue(Queue list);//Free the whole list
void removeNode(Queue list, QueuedCar car);//Remove car from list. Don't Free.