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WarFairy Hermes AR-15




This release is meant to be the lightest AR-15 lower possible. Total weight, not including any support material used, is just a hair over 0.65 pounds (+/- 295 grams)


Support material should not be required for any parts except the trigger guard section.

Print all parts with as fine layer height as possible, 100% infill. All parts are oriented for printing.

Parts should be bonded with Acetone or Weld-On #3 or #4. Parts should be smoothed lightly with acetone or MEK. Ensure interior of buffer tube sections are free of protrusions and are reasonably smooth.

Do NOT test fire for 24 hours after bonding parts together to allow bonds to fully set.

NOTE: If you have trouble printing the plug, make a simple cylinder with a diameter of .255 inches and use that to hold the buffer retainer and spring, then sand it flat against the receiver.

Known Issues

Slic3r v0.98 fills in the trigger pin and hammer pin holes. v0.99 fixes the issue. Ensure your slicing program is up to date.

Please report any issues to the #fosscad IRC channel on or via the chat link on Please include pictures if possible.